URL shortener is one of the very utile service that one might prefer using to get rid of long URLs (or web address) if they wish to share it somewhere else on the web. Usually, the blogger blog posts contains a very elongated form of URL and hence it may sometimes be exigent to concise it for convenient use. One can also look for this service if they want to mask their actual URL from being realized until one clicks on the same and checks it on his own. So, there are many positive aspects involved in making use of such a services.

Google's Url Shortener

Google has recently launched one such fascinating service of shortening URL which bears the codename 'goo.gl' also known as Google url shortener. There are many popular URL shortening service which some of you might already been using for a while like TinyURL or bit.ly. But you may need to reconsider and think about migrating to Google's goo.gl as it is feature packed with some of the many important services that others might be missing. Google's URL shortener is extremely fast and also offers real time analytics report of each activity on the URL generated which are filtered by hours, days, weeks or monthly report on clicks generated on the said short URL..

Using this service is very easy and relatively fast as compared to other services of its kind. One simply needs to sign in with their google account and then use it for compacting any lengthy URL into a concise form and also to get a analytic report on the same. So, if you are willing to share the concise URL within other forum, blogs or websites, then you can easily track the performance and clicks made on the URL and thus will be beneficial to keep a track record of all the visitors coming into the the link page which the URL refers.

Simply enter the URL that you want to concise and click on the Shorten button. That's all, your job is done and you will get the new short URL just adjacent to the shorten button and the analytics report will be displayed below it. For example, the short URL of this very page is http://goo.gl/lJdR and clicks made on this short link will be automatically tracked by Goo.gl and keep records of all the activities regarding it.