Microsoft has recently made available the download option for its latest web browser called Internet Explorer 9 which appears to be the final release of it. Earlier, the beta version went live few months back and till date there are many downloads being registered which can be counted up to around 40 million times. With this latest stable release of IE9, Microsoft looks forward to provide a better and convincing way to browse the world wide web and is determined to erase the bad impression that is left behind in the minds of web developers and regular internet surfers.

It is a known fact that the Internet Explorer has been quite annoying at times specially for the web designers who failed to align things correctly for this browser. For instance, IE6 was a complete disaster and had been a turning point for many developers and users to migrate and look for some other alternatives. It was also considered to be on the slower side as compared to most other browsers in its row.

However, with this new release Microsoft claims to recover their lost glory and also to be back in the race where web browsers like Chrome and Firefox had already anchored a firm grip. So, to try this new version you can proceed to the official page ( for IE9 and download the same therefrom. Alternatively, if you want the direct download links of Internet Explorer 9 in case if the above approach is not convenient for you then you can avail it from the links as mentioned below.

The IE9 definitely has some good points to be considered and is therefore recommended that you try it atleast once before coming to any conclusion regarding it. However, not everybody thinks alike and there may be difference in views and opinions which is also very much true in terms of Internet Explorer as many users still had shown their faith in this browser as a primary one. Though, it is not one of my primary web browser but still I do use the IE8 frequently to satisfy various purpose at work.